Calypso Coulton
We had a successful day with Professor Tony Attwood
Yesterday, we hosted Professor Tony Attwood at Easterbrook Hall, in Dumfries, for a conference and…
Building A Sensory Board!
This week our young people have been putting together a sensory board for Little Acorns…
#TeamStranraer got lucky at the races!
On Wednesday 26th April #TeamStranraer hosted a Races Night to raise money for their upcoming…
Ryan makes good use of his Access All Arts Funding
Back in February, we were delighted that several of our young people in Stranraer were…
Katie Completes her Skills Accreditation Programme
Katie completed her Skills Accreditation Programme “Level 1- Caring for Small Animals”. The Skills Accreditation…
Stranraer Successes!
Our amazing #TeamStranraer has had a lot of reasons to celebrate recently! Last month four…
The Benefits of Branching Out
This week saw our Dumfries young people start Dumfries and Galloway Outdoor and Woodland Learning’s…
Celebrating the women who inspire us!
Today is International Women’s Day, and to mark the occasion we have asked our young…
Our second trip to Comic-Con!
Last weekend #BLPTeamDumfries took their second trip to ACME Comic-Con in Glasgow! After a very…
First Aid training for our young people!
Yesterday in Castle Douglas, we were joined by Annie’s Aiders for some First Aid training.…
World Book Day 2023: Our young people recommend their favourite books
As part of World Book Day this year, we asked our young people about what…
#TeamStranraer takes a trip to Newton Stewart
It is nice to be able to take a trip out for our work sometimes!…
Castle Douglas Cooking Roundup
Our Castle Douglas young people have been treating us to lots of delicious meals this…
Valentines Day Competition
This Valentine’s day we decided to mark the occasion with a little inter-site competition! We…
Pancake Day 2023
We have been enjoying tasty pancakes across our sites today, in Castle Douglas, Stranraer, and…
Random Act of Kindness Day
This Friday our Dumfries team decided to commemorate Random Act of Kindness Day. Each year…