Our Programmes
At Better Lives Partnership we present autistic young people and young people with additional barriers with a structured program of accredited training in their area of interest, expertise, and work-related skills to prepare them for the next step towards employment, self-employment, education, training, or volunteering.
All our programmes use a person-centered approach to develop unique opportunities for each young person that incorporates one or all of the following; employability skills, work experience, and social enterprise.

Through our programmes, we aim to:
- Develop opportunities so that people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other disabilities in Dumfries and Galloway are able to live as independent and fulfilled lives as possible and remain within their communities.
- Advance public awareness and understanding of autism and other disabilities.
- Develop services and provision for people affected by ASD and other disabilities, their families, parents and carers, and practitioners who support them.
- Promote the awareness and understanding of ASD and how it affects individuals and their families and carers.
- Provide information and advice to people affected by ASD and other disabilities, their parents and carers, and practitioners who support them.
- Deliver aspects of the Dumfries and Galloway Autism Strategy in conjunction or partnership with other organisations, statutory and non-statutory, and individuals or businesses as required.
- Work and liaise with other organisations, statutory and non-statutory to further the purposes of Better Lives Partnership as described above.
Find Out More About Our Programmes:
Bridge 2 Employment (B2E)
Our flagship project B2E aims to provide young people with support and training in work skills, support for volunteering, and work placements.